‘Retire Your Ride’ Derelict Removal Campaign Underway

Aug 17, 2023 0 Comments

Director of the Department of Waste Management Mr. Marcus Solomon is calling on the public to ‘retire their rides’ as the department launches its derelict removal campaign.

Mr. Solomon said, “Over the next couple weeks we want the residents of Virgin Gorda as well as Tortola to retire their derelict rides as well as help us to identify derelicts throughout the community.”

Mr. Solomon said the aim is to get as many derelicts off the street by September 15 to facilitate export on the September 18.

“Together it is our responsibility to keep our community clean and green but everyone needs to do their part.  We are asking you to help us help the community,” the director said.

“We have the barge coming in on the 18 and it is our goal to get as many derelicts and scrap metal off of the island,” he said.

 The community is urged to identify derelicts on private and public property and contact the department at 494-4934 or via the BVIGovReportit app. Persons are advised to record location information and submit to the department or via the app accompanied with photo where applicable. When the report is received, an officer will travel to the location, identify the vehicle(s) and issue a notice appropriate to the location.

 “The notice is completed in triplicates, the original is affixed to the derelict or can be handed to owner and two copies remain with the department. Vehicles on public property have a duration of (14) days and private property (21) days before the notice expires,” Mr. Solomon explained.

The director said when the notice expires and the vehicle remains at the same location, the department’s wrecker operator or hired operator will remove the derelict from the location and have it transported to the temporary site at Pockwood Pond.


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