Police Raiding Homes On Anegada

Reports reaching our news room early this morning 23 August are that Officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force are on Anegada and searching homes. 

On Saturday 19 August, we reported a major drug bust on the small island. 

In a press release dated 19 August 2023, RVIPF confirmed - AIRPLANE SEIZED DURING JOINT OPERATION ON ANEGADA - A joint operation between US Authorities and RVIPF Officers was conducted earlier today (19-8-23) on Anegada. 

An airplane and a significant amount of what is believed to be cocaine were seized in the operation. 

More to come on this developing story…



Y? 8/23/2023 9:37:52 AM
WHen they seize dope in the usvi, bvi be there? Why TF they always in our business? Bull$hit
Picture? 8/23/2023 8:12:44 AM
What is the picture of? How is it connected?

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