Shooting Victim Succumbs

Azim Yonnas, victim in last night’s shooting incident in Long Bush has succumbed to injuries sustained. He was 26 and a resident of Purcell Estate. 

Gunshots rang out late in the night. Yonnas was taken to the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital with serious injuries but he later died. 

"Police can confirm a shooting last night in the Long Bush area. One male was injured and was taken to DOSH. More information will be provided as it becomes available," a RVIPF 4th September statement said.

Investigations in the murder are ongoing.

Shootings and drug trafficking are at an all time high in the Territory. Just Friday night, there were reports of an attempted murder in the West End area. That incident too was due to firearm usage. 

The Premier and Governor continue to appeal for a cease fire. However, a deaf ear was given by the Premier Natalio Wheatley to residents who were concerned about Byron Messia taking the stage at the Emancipation Festival Celebrations just some weeks ago. Messia’s most popular song ‘Taliban’, is said to promote and glorify crime, gun warfare, murder and drugs. 


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