Kevon ‘Shaq’ Lettsome Charged with Uttering a Forged Document

Today January 26 2023, 29 year old Kevon ‘Shaq’ Lettsome appeared at the Magistrate’s Court via Zoom, and was given $40,000 bail with one surety on the charge of Uttering A Forged Document. He was charged under Section 242.1 of the Criminal Code of the Virgin Islands. A charge the Magistrate indicated as an indictable one. 


Allegations read out in open Court early this afternoon, revealed that on May 27, 2022, a letter of reference was issued from Marvin Scott of Republic Bank of the Virgin Islands to  First Bank on behalf of Mr. Lettsome for the purpose of opening an account at First Bank. However upon receiving said reference, the Branch Manager of First Bank identified some discrepancies in the document and contacted Mr. Scott who confirmed that neither did he sign nor authorize the document. The matter was then reported to the Police. 

At the time of writing this news story, the accused Kevon Lettsome was instructed by Magistrate Khadeen Palmer to head to Court to be held until bail conditions were met. It is not yet confirmed if that process has been completed. Valston Graham who appeared as Counsel for the accused advised the Court that his client had secured someone as surety for his bail. 

Other reports reaching our newsroom today also indicate and allege that Mr. Lettsome was released from his job, another popular banking institution in March of 2022 under questionable circumstances. 

Kevon Lettsome has indicated on several occasions, of his intentions to vie as a candidate in the upcoming general elections, and has been on a media tour since the start of the year. He is hoping to represent the 7th District. 

The Virgin Islands remain under strict watch by the UK based on results of the Commission of Inquiry held in 2021-2022. 

A call to numbers on file for Mr. Lettsome appear to be out of service. 

He is due back in Court on March 9, 2023 for Reporting. 

Story Developing….


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