RATED Programme Dubbed an ‘Election Gimmick’

Feb 01, 2023 0 Comments

In a recent report issued by Premier Natalio Wheatley in the House of Assembly, a total of 418 persons have registered for the Government’s RATED Programme, with only 76 being placed to date, and of that 76, 80% placed in landscaping and field work. But are these registrations genuine and are the placements voluntary?

Reports reaching our news room is that elected Representatives have been out and about over the past weeks doing ‘roundups’ in their districts, offering bush cutting work in the lead up to the pending general elections. Reports of these incidences are high in Districts 2 and 7 in particular, with constituents coming forward with voluntary information to our newsroom. 

Does the Unity Government under the leadership of Dr. Natalio Wheatley represent change or more of the same? Constituents overwhelming suggest the latter.

When the RATED Programme was initially launched in November of 2022, concerned Residents saw it as a way to indirectly influence the outcome of the pending general elections through issuance of certain jobs. Based on reports to our newsroom, these concerns now seem valid. 

The Governor and the Unity Government have been at odds as it relates to the implementation of certain portions of the COI recommendations. 

The newly launched Government RATED Programme stands for Registration Apprenticeship Training Employment and Development and seeks to provide a pathway through short term employment, apprenticeship and/or training education and development for persons who are unemployed or underemployed.


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