Possible Coup Ahead of Elections??

Information reaching our news room is that the Honourable Carvin Malone will be crossing the floor and rejoining the Unity Government during the House of Assembly sitting this morning, February 2, 2023. 

As reported by our media house yesterday, Hon. Carvin Malone is the head runner in the race for Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party.  The VIP Will be holding Congress on Sunday February 5th, which could see the ousting of now sitting Chairman and Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley as leader of the VIP. 

Reports to our news room are stating that the Hon. Carvin Malone intends to petition the Governor for the Premier seat, should he be successful on Sunday, thus his move to cross the floor. 

The Premier Honourable Natalio Wheatley has said that he intends for the HOA to go it’s full term which comes to an end on March 12th. But will the impending chaos bring the HOA to a premature dissolution or will the UK be forced to step in and dissolve the Constitution?

We will keep you updated on this developing story…


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