Lesmore Smith to Run with PVIM

In a message sent out this morning, Lesmore Smith has confirmed his intentions to contest the upcoming general elections as an At Large Candidate under the PVIM banner.

“I’m an at large candidate in upcoming general elections and asking for you and your family support! Thanks much, God blessed.” Mr. Smith’s message says. 

An inquiry as to whether Mr. Smith was contesting independently or with a party, he confirmed he would be contesting with the PVIM. This also confirms that the PVIM (Progressive Virgin Island’s Movement) will be putting forth candidates for the general elections. 

Reports reaching our news room last week also indicated that former Government Minister Ronnie Skelton will also be back to contest the upcoming general elections as head of the PVIM. 

The Progressive Virgin Island’s Movement was started in 2018 when Ronnie Skelton and others made a break from the National Democratic Party over leadership of the NDP. 

We expect to see election campaigning started in earnest over the coming week as the VIP is set to elect leadership of their party tonight at a sitting of their Congress. 

Guavaberry Media will be at the front of Decision 2023. Follow us on Facebook for breaking updates.


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