Premier Breaches Laws - BVI 70th Emancipation in Limbo: Turmoil Surrounds VI's Festivals & Fairs Committee

Amidst the anticipation of the Virgin Islands' upcoming 70th Emancipation celebrations of 2024, the Virgin Islands Festival and Fairs Committee (VIFFC) has found itself embroiled in significant changes and controversies. The statutory body, which has traditionally fallen under the Ministry of Education, is now undergoing significant restructuring. 

One of the most notable changes has been the transfer of the culture portfolio, under which the festivals lie, from the Ministry of Education, to the Premier's Office as of mid 2022 with the reshuffling of Government. 

The controversy comes as the Premier has moved to transfer the festivals portfolio to the BVI Tourist Board’s Event Department, and all committees have been effectively dissolved. 

The move is said to have sparked outrage and uncertainty about the future direction and management of the VIFFC. We understand the changes are being made without the input of the House of Assembly Members or any debate; but solely on the decision and say so of the Premier, Natalio Wheatley, which is ultra vires to the law under which the statutory instrument of both the VIFFC and the BVITB are set up. 

It is reported that an urgent meeting was called by the Premier a few days ago to inform the now dismantled VIFFC of the intentions. The meeting we understand was poorly attended by the Board Members with only some four persons showing up. The meeting was to advise the Board of the news that they would no longer be needed as the body has been ‘effectively’ dismantled. 

During the meeting,the Board was also promised an unconfirmed stipend for the months of work which totals over one year. 

Research on the matter suggests that the Premier meeting with the committee was premature and that he has operated outside of his remit, and further, operated outside of the Democratic process. 

This unexpected announcement has left many stakeholders and members of the community questioning the transparency and fairness of the decision-making process and some members see the stipend offered as hush money.

This plan it is understood, has been afoot for some time now, and the reason present Chairman Dirk Walters was hired as Event Manager at the BVITB some months ago. It is also being reported that the Deputy Chairman Burton  Lettsome will also be taking up a new role at the BVITB. It is to be noted that reports reflect that Lettsome has sat in on job interviews of person being interviewed for positions with the Event Portfolio at the BVITB, although not employed by the BVITB, 

These developments have raised concerns of major potential conflicts of interest, transparency and nepotism inside the Ministry and Statutory Board. The impact on the autonomy and integrity of the VIFFC as well, as both members are also vendors to festivals in the Territory, with Mr. Lettsome being presently employed with one of the major sponsors of the annual Emancipation Festival in specific. 

All subcommittees are currently vacant, following letters sent to committee members advising them that their 2 year appointment had expired. While expressing gratitude for their service, the sudden and widespread removal of these committees has left many wondering about the implications for the planning and execution of future festivities with such short notice as many committees had already embarking on plans for 2024. 

Virgin Gorda’s Easter festival is a short three months away and the BVI is celebrating its 70th year in August. 

In the midst of these changes, a press conference was aired on Government Facebook page by the Premier and Chairman touting the profits of recent festivals. However, shortly thereafter, the glory of what may have been successful profit, seem to have been cut short, due to the controversy of bounced cheques, leaving the public in suspense and prompting further speculation about the future of the VIFFC, it’s integrity and the upcoming 70th Emancipation celebrations as rumors of bounced cheques railed the BVI. 

Our Media house understands cheques were bounced for insufficient funds for Virgin Gorda in 2023, and some vendors both for VG’s Festival and the 2023 Emancipation Festival, are still to be paid. 

If this wasn’t enough controversy, just two weeks ago, Ms. Luz Sanchez, Treasurer of the VIFFC was arrested and charged with 16 counts of theft and forgery while employed at a major local bank.  Ms. Sanchez it is said, was reportedly hand selected by the Premier to manage the VIFFC treasury. Although charges are not in connection with VIFFC, members of the VIFFC and the public are calling for a closer look as to the handling of funds during her time served.

Reports In? 

As of the current date, there has been no reports laid in the House of Assembly since the new Chairman’s (Dirk Walters) appointment in 2022, nor has there been any audited statements on the accounts regarding public monies. This lack of transparency and accountability speaks poorly to the effective management of public funds. 

Call for new members? 

After the August festivities, an advertisement was issued for the recruitment of four or more members to the statutory body VIFFC. As the community eagerly awaits further details, the question on many people's minds is whether these positions are still open or if they have already been filled. The public is keen to receive updates on the status of these crucial roles within the VIFFC, and our newsroom is committed to providing more information as soon as it becomes available. 

Internal Audit

In 2020-2021, the Internal Audit department launched an audit into the VIFFC due to the absence of an independent audit as mandated by the Festivals Act of 2005. However, information regarding the progress and findings of this audit has been slow to emerge, with reports indicating that members of the committee have not been as cooperative as they should be in providing the requisite information. This lack of transparency raises concerns about the accountability and governance of the VIFFC, particularly in relation to the management of public funds and the organization of cultural events. Furthermore, there are reports of decision-making processes within the Cabinet being called into question. It has been brought to light that certain decisions are being made with limited details on subject areas, often presented to Cabinet meetings in a manner likened to being "wrapped in Christmas paper and tied with a bow." 

Trouble In The Camp?

It has come to our attention that specific information on this area was brought to a Cabinet meeting by the Premier, who serves as the Minister for the subject. However, we understand it was intentionally done during the absence of Cabinet Member Honorable Sharie DeCastro who was en route back to the Territory and is apparently not in favour of the move. Our sources indicate that the Minister is not in agreement with the manner in which the move was executed. Additionally, we understand that Junior Minister Luce Hodge is also not in favor of the decision and the manner in which the move was carried out. 

Local radio host Floyd Burnett-Penn, also known as Heritage of Tola Radio, has been vocal about his intention to write a book entitled "How the Club Stole Festival." With the controversy and speculations surrounding this subject area, the release of this book has the potential to captivate the public's interest and become a best-seller. 

As a prominent figure in the local media, Burnett-Penn has garnered significant attention with his engaging discussions and thought-provoking commentary on the issues affecting the Virgin Islands. His commitment to transparency and accountability in governance has resonated with many, and the promise of a revealing book on the festival and cultural landscape is likely to be eagerly anticipated by the community. In light of the ongoing developments and controversies surrounding the Virgin Islands Festivals and Fairs Committee (VIFFC), Burnett-Penn's book can have the potential to provide a comprehensive and insightful narrative that delves into the complexities of festival management and the broader cultural landscape.

As the Virgin Islands prepares to commemorate this significant milestone in its history, the turmoil surrounding the VIFFC has cast a shadow of uncertainty over the festivities. The community eagerly awaits further clarification and transparency regarding the future management and organization of the 70th Emancipation celebrations and beyond.



Air 1/4/2024 10:45:57 AM
At this point, Festival needs to be its own entity. Activities need to be held throughout the year etc. monies need to finance the entity. But we can't keep using Festival as a political tool to benefit a few.
Resilience 1/4/2024 11:24:37 AM
@Air: on point.

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