PVIM Leader Disingenuous on Greedy Bill?

In a video from the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement - PVIM, Chairman of PVIM Ronnie Skelton said that the first mandate for his team if elected, will be to repeal the Retiring Allowances Act, dubbed the ‘Greedy Bill’. Is he being honest with the people, or simply riding the popular wave of the people’s frustrations for votes?

On the 5th of June 2021, Activists Kishma Penn and Cindy Rosan took to the streets of the Virgin Islands. On the back of a truck with a speaker and bullhorn, the two rode across the main island of Tortola to protest frustrations of mismanagement and corruption under the Virgin Islands Party-led Government. The controversial ‘Greedy Bill’ was at the center of their frustrations.The two activists expressed their deep concerns with the exit packages and insurance allowances for Members of the House of Assembly and their families. KishmaennPVIMGuavabe... CindyRosanPVIMGuavab...Despite protests and the valid concerns raised, the Bill was signed by 12 Members of the House, with one Member absent and unable to vote. That absent Member, Honourable Alvera Maduro-Caines, never spoke out against the Bill. The Bill was further ascended to by the Governor, making it law. Despite this, the Residents of the Territory continued to register their dissatisfaction with the controversial Bill.

The controversial legislation is at the center of each party’s platform almost two years later. Myron Walwyn, during his presentation at the launch of the National Democratic Party’s campaign for the 2023 elections, broke down the ‘Greedy Bill’. He pledged to repeal the Annex of the legislation, which would:

  • see one-time legislators receive salaries for up to two years after being fired by the people and
  • give a one-time payout to others who the voting populace has terminated.

He expressed his concerns with the above as he presented his platform seeking re-election.

With the turn of the week, a firestorm of accusations ensued across parties, with Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley and Honourable Carvin Malone accusing the NDP. In their remarks, Walwyn was named the first to receive payouts under the controversial Bill. The VIP candidates also accused the NDP of being disingenuous. The lines were now intentionally blurred by the VIP and PVIM remained quiet. Were they pretending to be above the fray?

During his Cut Deep interview on March 30th, Myron Walwyn explained that under the previous Administration, which both he and Skelton were a part of, a consultation on the way forward in improving the Legislators’ exit packages was done. The results of that consultation saw the recommendation to merge the Legislator’s gross salary and gratuity packages. However, their Administration was voted out before passing the legislation. Walwyn continued his lamentations regarding his frustration in the second half of the legislation that the VIP added to compensate one-term Legislators, which he finds unfair and gross abuse of the people’s money.

MyronWalwynPVIMGuava...While Walwyn has taken the brunt of the response attack on the payout, Skelton and other past Legislators have been paid out under the controversial legislation. Until this past weekend, Skelton remained ‘mum’ on the matter. Before now, no one knew the Leader of PVIM’s position on the Bill or his involvement. In his recent response on the matter, he has now stated that he, too, will repeal the legislation in full. But is he sincere? Will he return his payout to the Treasury?

Two Members of the present House of Assembly are on the PVIM slate: Honourable Melvin Mitch Turnbull and Honourable Shereen Flax-Charles. Reports from the House reflect that they both signed off on the controversial Bill despite protests and despite expressed frustrations from the people.

During an episode of Cut Deep on March 29, Honourable Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull hinted at feeling pressured by then Premier Andrew Fahie to sign off on the Bill. Honourable Turnbull stressed that he aimed to get the senior legislators sorted. During the interview, Honourable Turnbull indicated that he yielded to Fahie’s pressure to pass the full Bill to avoid having ALL of it shelved again.

The question remains had Myron Walwyn not blown the lid on the matter, would it be an outrage or would present legislators and contesting candidates continue against the will of the people?

Skelton has been accused of not remaining relevant or publicly involved in the issues affecting the Territory, causing others to question his readiness to lead.

Citizens and residents alike have expressed their gratitude to both Kishma and Cindy, and continue to thank Walwyn for bringing the matter to the fore once more.



VI voter 4/8/2023 7:02:47 AM
Why hasn't the lawyer mentioned his take home package?
VG68 4/6/2023 9:06:58 AM
Absolutely absurd. For a territory of approximately 31,000 people this package is just that , GREED!! Greed at the highest level ! This election is just more of the same “talk” like all previous elections. Will anything change? I for one doubt it. All these government officials and many others will most likely become greedier. Sickening, while the minimum wage remains at $6.00 per hour. DISGRACEFUL !!!
Hmm 4/4/2023 3:01:06 PM
Well he needs to talk to Mitch because he was the leader of the Greedy bill committee.

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