The Friday Sage

Sep 14, 2024 Commentary 0 Comments

Perhaps to the 13 it is only a game.  A game of semantics and propaganda.  But it takes us back to Animal Farm the day that Squealer fell off the ladder.  

“At the foot of the end wall of the big barn, where the Seven Commandments were written, there lay a ladder broken in two pieces. Squealer, temporarily stunned, was sprawling beside it, and near at hand there lay a lantern, a paintbrush, and an overturned pot of white paint."

The code by which the animals had lived since the revolution was changed to favour the ruling class.

 The Standing Orders are the bible for BVI Legislators.  Why do Members feel that S 23 (1) can be flaunted?  It says that Members who need matters on the Order Paper must send those requests in writing to the Clerk who is operations manager for the House of Assembly and reports directly to the Speaker.  

(This is similar to the way a Permanent Secretary runs the Ministry under the policy direction of the Minister.  

 But we digress to say that Ministers are hell bent on being Permanent Secretaries and neglecting their responsibilities for implementing the proposals in their Party Manifesto, preparing for Cabinet and House of Assembly meetings and holding ‘clinics’ in their constituencies.)

 The Standing Orders are equally clear (S24) that matters for the order paper must be submitted at least 7 days prior.

 It is the Speaker’s House and the Speaker’s Order Paper and, over time, the practice has been that if Members submit to the Speaker, then, they have satisfied the requirement to submit to the Clerk and the Speaker’s historical actions have supported this practice.

 But let us examine the process.

  1. The summons for a meeting of the House must be sent out to Members 10 days in advance of the Sitting (S8(1)d.
  2. Questions, motions or any business by Members must be submitted to the Clerk in writing 7 days prior to the Sitting in which they are to be heard. S24
  3. The questions or motions are logged in the Order Book and placed on the draft Order Paper.
  4. The Clarke has control over the Order Book
  5. When the draft Order Paper is ready, the Speaker reviews it.
  6. The Speaker then discusses the draft Order Paper with the Leader of Government Business for concurrence.
  7. If there are more entries than can be addressed in a single Sitting, either may suggest another Sitting or to continue the Sitting.
  8. Once matters are confirmed as being on the order paper and before it is printed, the Leader of Government Business approves.  
  9. Then, the Order Paper is sent to Members at least 5 days prior to the Sitting. S8(1)e.

 Now the penny drops:

 Regardless of what sentiments are ascribed to the motion brought by the Opposition Leader, it seems, based on the process, that:

a) The motion was received within the time allotted otherwise the Speaker would not have had it placed on her draft Order Paper.

b) The Speaker was not perturbed by the fact that the motion was addressed to her otherwise the Clerk could not have logged it in and it would not have appeared on the draft Order Paper.

c) The Leader of Government Business would have seen and approved the Order Paper prior to its printing and distribution, observing the 5-day rule.

The hullabaloo in the People’s House over the motion submitted by the Opposition Leader seems to be, by the name of Shakespeare’s play; “Much Ado about Nothing” and tantamount to Squealer painting out a convention and highlighting the rule.

So, the Speaker ruled against herself.  She took one for the Team.  And the cries of disrespect from the front benches were hollow for the Opposition was doing what Oppositions do.

It should be noted that during the period 2011 to 2019, the Opposition of the day brought 3 motions of ‘no confidence’ against the government.

 Hon Frazer’s motion was brought on 26 July 2013 but it died on the vine since he did not have a second.  (S31)

 Hon. Fahie brought two motions of no confidence against the government with the more notable being his 01 August 2017 against the Minister for Finance.

 While the government rebuffed him on both counts, the people agreed in 2019 that he should be Finance Minister and Leader of Government Business.  It ended on foreign soil 3 years, 1 month, 28 days into his 4-year tenure.

 That prompted Ag Premier, Hon. Dr. Wheatley, to bring a motion of no confidence against Premier, Hon. Fahie, on 5th May 2022. It sailed through the House.

 So, the Leader of Government Business and those duty bound to support him gave the proposed motion by the Opposition Leader more prominence than it deserved.  With the 14 pieces of draft legislation currently on the Order Paper, the motion would, at best, be ventilated in a month’s time. 

The Leader of Government Business, his Deputy and the Opposition Leader would have long returned from England with the British being none the wiser.  

And in the unlikely event that the motion carries, the variegated splinters have not demonstrated the cohesion that can wrest this Territory from the green hands that manage its affairs. They proved that on the evening of 24 April 2023.

The 13 need to focus their attention on reestablishing the Territory to its former glory days and getting our economy and the infrastructure fixed.  We do not even speak of the urgent need for efficient services to the public in general and care for the elderly.

The people must hold their government to account and we will do our part on Fridays.

 Happy Friday!


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