Chairman Of BVIHSA Board Will Not Step Down - Stands Ground

Chairman of the BVIHSA Board Ron Potter has confirmed via a press release today Sunday September 15th, that he will not resign as Chairman of the Board and has stated that he is unaware of any strain in relationship between the Minister of the subject Honourable Vincent Wheatley, and himself. 

“I confirm that I was requested via a WhatsApp message by the Honourable Minister to resign my position as Chairman in light of the recent regrettable and tragic events affecting healthcare services. I note that local online media houses are reporting that the relationship with the Minister and I are strained. If this reporting is true, I was certainly unaware of a strained relationship prior to the articles. I consider that I have been a dedicated and committed Chairman of the BVIHSA during my tenure and it is my desire, with the support of the hardworking team at the BVIHSA, to continue to develop the public healthcare sector of the Territory to the best of my ability, so long as God will grant me favour.”

As such, it is not my intention to resign my position as Chairman as there are no grounds, or reasons for me to do so. The BVI Health Services Authority Act, 2004 (the “Act”) governs my appointment, and my removal. The Act created a body corporate with perpetual succession independent of central Government. The roles of the BVIHSA’s Board versus that of the

Minister are clearly demarcated. While appointment to the Board is made by Cabinet on the recommendation of the Minister, the Act requires grounds for the removal of an office holder.”

Having reviewed the Act, I am confident that no grounds exist for my removal if the laws of the Territory are to be followed and fairly applied. I believe that the public would expect no less in this newfound age of good governance and transparency.”

“Additionally, the allegation that I am single-handedly blocking the proposed medical school is unfounded and without merit as negotiations are ongoing.” the Chairman stated.  

Mr. Potter has also pointed out that the Board has been without sufficient board members for some time.  

“Unfortunately, since July 2024, the BVIHSA’s Board has been without sufficient board members to have meetings and make vital decisions for the advancement of healthcare in the Territory. The appointment of new board members is the responsibility of Cabinet, on the recommendation of the Minister.”

The Chairman says he ‘remains committed to the Territory of his birth, and its people and to give them the best healthcare system possible.’

“I believe that access to a good healthcare system is a fundamental right of the people of this Territory. As such during my tenure, I have championed, and will continue to champion, the proper funding of the BVIHSA overall, completion of the Nurse Iris O’Neal Medical Center, improvements to the hospital and community clinics, establishment of medical and nursing schools and a cancer treatment center, amongst other things. I encourage all members of the community to support the BVIHSA to make these goals a reality.” Ron Potter, Chairman of BVIHSA 

The fallout began when the lack of health care services on the Sister Island of Virgin Gorda hit a fever pitch due to the death of stalwart Virgin Gordian Revovion A. Sprauve  aka ‘Bucky’, who died on August 31, 2024. He was unable to get medical help due to a closed clinic, and contact with a Doctor was unsuccessful. 

A town hall meeting followed last week September 7, 2024, where Virgin Gordians had the entire Health Services panel, including the Chairman Potter; Minister Wheatley; Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr June M. Samuel; and Acting Permanent Secretary Tasha K. Bertie, present on Virgin Gorda and in the meeting. 

Most believe that the Minister is attempting to ‘save face’ and is looking at the Chairman as a ‘scapegoat’.  Others have loudly stated that resignations should start with Minister Wheatley himself, followed by the Acting CEO June Samuels. 

Guavaberry Media will keep you updated as this story continues to unfold. 


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