Andrew Fahie Files Appeal, Attorneys Sever Ties

Sep 20, 2024 Update, Breaking 1 Comments

Former disgraced Premier and District 1 Representative Andrew A Fahie has filed his Appeal in a Florida Court yesterday Thursday 19 September. 

Fahie’s lawyers in an earlier court filing had said that he was having trouble raising the money to pay an appeals attorney, which could cost $35,000 or more in complex cases.

Fort Lauderdale attorney Richard Della Fera, who represented Fahie after his February conviction, paid the $605 appeals filing fee himself on Thursday, saying it was part of his duties. Della Fera said he did not want Fahie to lose his opportunity to appeal over $600 but also asked the court to allow him to leave the case. Fahie’s attorney at trial, Theresa Van Vliet, also asked the judge to sever her from the case. 

Fahie may have to plead poverty and apply to have the assistance of a public defender in the appeal of his cocaine smuggling and money laundering conviction. 

Della Fera said it could take 18 months for the details of Fahie’s appeal to be filed, rebutted, heard, and potentially resolved. Getting transcripts alone would take 60 days, he said.

Fahie was sentenced to 11 years in a federal prison, 5 years supervised release and a $400 fine by U.S. District Judge Kathleen M. Williams after having been convicted at trial of cocaine trafficking and money laundering conspiracies for agreeing to facilitate the safe passage of tons of Colombian cocaine through BVI ports headed to Miami. In exchange for his assistance Fahie would make millions, which would be funneled through different businesses or smuggled back to the BVI to hide the money’s source.

Late last year, Patsy Lake set up a fundraising initiative to raise funds for the former Premier. A donation box was opened at the One Stop Mall from October 16 - November 16, 2023. The public is unaware of the success of the initiative. 

Guavaberry Media will continue to follow this story. 



Dog man 9/20/2024 2:52:19 PM
Brother, 5 is going to go by so fast, so keep what you have left on the side.

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