Virgin Gorda Festival and Fairs Sub-committee Resigns Following Berating by Dirk Walters

Following a meeting held between the BVI Tourist Board and the Virgin Gorda Easter Festival Sub-committee on Monday, September 30, on Tortola, the 12 volunteers of the Virgin Gorda Easter Festival Sub-committee resigned as a group. 

Members took the decisions following what we understand to be a tirade of insults, misinformation and false accusations hurled at the members who were able to attend a meeting held at the Tourist Board’s new office in Port Purcell. 

Inside sources say that for almost an hour, Dirk Walters, Events Manager at the BVI Tourist Board & Film Commission (BVITB), unleashed unsubstantiated claims of insubordination and failure to follow protocol. The Committee maintains no proper protocol, or procedures were outlined when both parties engaged in 2023 and thus it was left to decide on best practices with the guidance of a few BVITB staff members namely Financial Controller Atricia Pereira, their greatest help. Pereira can also attest to proper financial protocols and banking procedures committed by the committee.

Our understanding is that the Virgin Gorda Easter Festival Sub-committee received $100,000 from the Virgin Islands Festival & Fairs Committee (VIFFC). The new Virgin Gorda Sub-committee was in its infancy when its parent committee was illegally assumed by the BVITB following instructions by Premier Hon. Dr. Natalio Wheatley in 2023. The committees’ relationship started rocky. To date legislation allowing the VIFFC to be legally assumed by the BVITB has yet to pass in the House of Assembly. In fact, its cumbersome framework needs forced legislators to remove it from a bill which sought to bring the BVITB under regulations forced by the COI. The VIFFC is a legally autonomous organisation separate from the Government of the Virgin Islands. Its acquisition is believed to be illegal by leading legal minds. 

The new Virgin Gorda Sub-committee from inception felt mishandled by the VIFFC, claiming they were spoken at rather than being embraced in a partnership. The tension led to Mr. Walters ceasing to appear at committee meetings held on Virgin Gorda since 2023 while Mr. McCoy and Ms. Pereira became the go-betweens allowing the 2023 Easter Festival to happen. At the core of their issues lay the VG Sub-committee’s belief that Walters and others may have engaged in unfair practices and committing the committee’s money to book artistes which were not agreed upon together. In one instance it is alleged that the VG Sub-committee was quoted thousands of dollars less than what the VIFFC was accepting as a booking fee for an artiste. We are understanding that suspicion arose amongst the committee that money may have been allegedly included to pay either Walters or a third party leading back to Walters or someone further up the chain of command. In another incident, the VIFFC had agreed to one artiste padding its team with 15 members to travel into the Virgin Islands for a one-hour performance. Less than half the team would have appeared on stage with the artiste. The VG committee thought the VIFFC was paying for vacations and hoping their infancy would allow it to be overlooked and accepted as standard industry practices.

We understand the VG Sub-committee suspected foul play and decided to assume deeper responsibilities for its affairs. Of the $100,000 sponsored by the VIFFC, most of it was reported committed by that committee on artistes the VG Sub-committee negotiated for less. The success of the VG Easter Festival is believed to be the result of the committee securing an additional $120,000 in sponsorship from members of the VG community. Many of whom refused to give money to VIFFC fearing the money would not make it back to the community event for which it was intended.

Monday’s meeting was a turning point moment in the relationship of the two organisations. While Director Clive McCoy and Chairperson Delma Maduro were notably silent most of the meeting, Walters unleashed a series of hearsay claims and outlined new rules for the relationship which included that the senior committee had to be in the money collections booths at entrance points, fundraisers had to be considered and approved by the head committee and all money collected had to be presented to him immediately. Previously the money collected was overseen by Financial Controller Atricia Perriera, a Virgin Gorda native, who can account for all money made during the 2024 celebration. The VG organisation also presented a full report following the conclusion of the 2024 VG Easter Festival. All money was appropriately accounted for according to sources.

Following the meeting with BVITB, the VG Sub-committee met and following the reading of detailed notes taken by the members who attended, all members decided to tender their resignation. Committee members say they could no longer exist in a tyrannical relationship where Walters is allowed to play victim and call their character into question while his bosses sit in silence. McCoy, Maduro, Jenel Lettsome and Yohance Smith who attended the meeting, did commend the committee on the organisation of the Festival. Maduro remarking that she was amazed that the small committee of 12 people had accomplished such a well-ran event.

Still, the committee will move forward with its resignation making it the third VG committee cannibalised by the VIFFC and second under Dirk Walter’s leadership. Committee members have faced difficulty working with past Chairman Carnel Clyne and now Walters, many of whom refuse to be involved with the VG Easter Festival if either Chairmen of the committee continue to be involved.

Walters’ involvement seems cement as earlier this year he tendered his resignation but is back in his position following reports that he was asked to recall his letter of resignation. Other reports suggest that his recommitment will yield a $95,000 pay day over two years. Critics of his return question his reward for what they term as his gross disorganisation, trademark ineffective leadership and point to the failed music festival as a hallmark of his tenure. Yet the relationship between Premier Wheatley and Walters suggests that at some point he will become head of a Division of Festival and Fairs. Accounts report that McCoy and Walters are not friendly towards each other and as recent as the 2024 Emancipation Festival, the two had not spoken to each other sparing e-mails they were both copied on.

The VG Easter Festival Committee will proceed as a committee but next steps are not yet known. The committee which benefits from the presence of at least two lawyers intends to safeguard the event to ensure the event happens in the best interest of the Virgin Gorda people and led by the people of Virgin Gorda.

A meeting has been announced for Tuesday October 8, at the St. Mary’s Church Hall at 7pm. 

The Virgin Gorda Easter Festival was founded in 1967 and celebrated its 57th year this past Easter.


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