Government Dumps Initial Quarter Million Of Tax Payers Dollars Into Vybz Kartel Show

Oct 08, 2024 Update, Breaking 1 Comments

As first reported by our media house, the Government of the Virgin Islands is partnering with a local promotion company, now identified as YOLO promotions, to bring Vybz Kartel to the BVI. The date announced is March 2025 for the annual Black On Black event. 

Our understanding is that the Artist’s fee is some half a million dollars, with the Government covering the full quarter million dollar deposit to sign the Artist. Images and videos released over the past few days show Steve Parillon, partner in YOLO Promotions, signing the contract alongside Vybz Kartel. 

Public Outrage 

The Public, including two Government Ministers have expressed outrage and disapproval in the Premier funding the event in any major way. 

“Absolutely not, the government has more urgent priorities such as cleaning up the country…the tourism season is upon us and the country looks like a wilderness, we need to clean our country up, we need to restore the beauty…we need to fix our infrastructure.” Honourable Lorna Smith. Deputy Premier when asked her position on the matter.  

“I do not support it at this time, we are making some moves in terms of moving forward with our road infrastructure …lots happening now that should take priority over this show, it’s not the right thing at this time, it will not get my support at this time,” Honourable Kye Rymer, Minister for Communications & Works. 

The partnership is controversial in every corner of the Territory with debates and arguments wherever one may turn; supermarkets, restaurants, bars, blocks, street sides, the workplace, blogs and social media sites have all been abuzz with some for and some against, with those against overwhelmingly overpowering those for the the Government sponsoring the event, suggesting the Territory is not in a good place, and that the timing is off for such an investment. Our newsroom has been overwhelmed with calls of disapproval. 

This is the third time within the past year that the Premier has come under major fire in regard to the flagrant spending of Government’s money on events. He’s now been dubbed the ‘Party Premier’ by the Honourable Myron Walwyn, Member of the House of Assembly and District 6 Representative. 

Impact On Economy And Tourism

The promoters of the event are selling the show’s impact on the Virgin Islands to that of the Buju Banton show held in June 2019, but most are not convinced, suggesting both artists are completely different and appeal to differing demographics. 

The show is scheduled to be held in March, which is the height of the local tourism season, and the Territory is already mostly sold out of rooms and rental vehicles. This is expected to highly impact the numbers that can travel to the Territory for the event. 

The highest number of visitors to the Territory for the Buju Banton show held in June 2019, were day trippers from the USVI that came over via specially organised ferries, and left right after the show. Special trips were put on by five ferry companies, whose capacity was capped at 149 passengers per boat per regulations, therefore a possibility of 745 day trippers for that event. 

Impact on Govt Coffers 

Returns Based on 1000 visitors 

Departure taxes - $20,000

Govt hotel tax - $20,000 (10%) $200,000 ($200x2 nights)

*Total Return for Govt - $40,000 plus any other residual income from other taxes 

Returns based on 500 visitors 

Departure taxes - $10,000

Govt hotel tax - $10,000 (10%) $100,000 ($200x2 nights)

*Total Return for Govt - $20,000 plus any residual income from other taxes 

While the Kartel show is anticipated to have a better impact on the wider economy, the Guavaberry Media team will follow this event and its impact, and issue a full report at the end of the event which will include any and all additional monies rendered by the Government. 

The show is expected to cost roughly $750k to one million dollars or more, to pull off.

Other Pressing Issues?

The residents’ outcry is that there are more pressing and important issues that the government should focus on, including, the proper funding of the Small Business Bureau, Nurses at the public schools, proper funding of healthcare, particularly on the Sister Islands, roads and road side maintenance and relieving water woes are a few mentioned. 

VINO Continues To Attack Guavaberry Media

While Virgin Islands News Online whose owner Julian Willock, former Speaker of the HOA is an avid supporter of the Virgin Islands Party Government attempted to attack Guavaberry Media and its owner, the public has once again mounted praise on the news site and its owner for bringing information that would have been hidden, to the public. 

Just weeks ago, Virgin Islands News Online mounted an attack on Guavaberry Media and its owner for unveiling the alleged sexual abuse by a male Teacher on a male student. 




KLAHF 10/10/2024 7:09:30 AM
The recent revelation that Premier Natalio Wheatley’s government has dumped a quarter million dollars of taxpayer money into securing Vybz Kartel for an event, amid pressing issues like healthcare, infrastructure, and basic public services, is beyond infuriating. It’s clear the Premier has lost touch with the needs and priorities of the people he is supposed to serve. Our territory is not a playground for reckless spending on entertainment while essential services crumble. Wheatley has repeatedly shown that his priorities are skewed, and this latest move is a blatant disregard for the well-being of the Virgin Islands. It’s time for him to step down. We need leadership that values the people over parties. ✊🏾 Hell no, Sowande has to go!✊🏾 Hell no, Sowande has to go! ✊🏾 Hell no, Sowande has to go!l

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