Ad Hoc Committee for the Urgent Enhancement of Virgin Gorda Health Care Presents Petition to the Governor of the Virgin Islands- Minister Lashes Out

Oct 17, 2024 Update, Breaking 0 Comments

On the morning of Thursday, October 17th, the Ad Hoc Committee for the Urgent Enhancement of Virgin Gorda  Health Care, officially presented a petition to the Governor of the Virgin Islands, His Excellency Daniel Pruce at Government House.

The petition, signed by over 800 concerned residents and stakeholders, outlines critical issues affecting health care services in Virgin Gorda  and seeks the Governor’s intervention and counsel to find a way forward to address urgent shortcomings.  The community has expressed its hope that the Governor will be able to have swift and meaningful dialogue with The Government of The Virgin Islands on several key items raised in the petition, which aim to enhance the overall standard of health care and better serve the needs of the people.  The interaction was pleasant with a great exchange of ideas. 

Some items discussed included 

-Funding and allocations for sister island healthcare in the 2025 budget 

-The possibility of UK Grants as well as visiting medical staff from the UK

-Availability of Medical Supplies

-NIOC and challenges with incomplete building as well as leaking roof and aging generator

-Status of North Sound Clinic

-Medivac options

The District Representative and Minister for Health didn’t appear happy with members of the committee however, posting a chastising message in the Virgin Gorda WhatsApp chat early this morning. 

“Good morning all, I want to extend best wishes to the team taking the petition over to the Governor this morning, like I always say, we are all in this together, I have also put together a list of 10 more things that urgently need petitions, the transformation cannot and will not be stopped. Have a blessed day all.”

However, the Virgin Gorda Pastors Association stood in unwavering support. 

“We, the pastors of Virgin Gorda, stand in unwavering support of the core group presenting the healthcare proposal on behalf of the residents of the sister islands. Good healthcare is not just a fundamental human right—it is the cornerstone of a stable economy and a vital ingredient for a strong, thriving society. For far too long, the sister islands have been relegated to a status that treats our healthcare needs as secondary, leaving our communities with inadequate services that have dire consequences for our well-being.

This is an urgent matter that cannot be delayed any longer. We urge the Deputy Governor and all relevant authorities to recognize the severity of this healthcare crisis. Our hope is that swift and decisive action will be taken to ensure that the residents of Virgin Gorda and the other sister islands receive the healthcare services we deserve.

We stand united with our community, and we pray that this issue is resolved promptly, for the benefit of all our citizens and the future of these islands.”

The situation as it pertains to health care on the sister island of Virgin Gorda hit a pitch high after the untimely death of Bucky Sprauve on Friday August 30, 2024.

The Ad Hoc Committee, together with the Virgin Gorda community, remains committed to ensuring the well-being of its residents and guests and looks forward to working with the relevant authorities for a brighter and healthier future.


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