We do not know if our government is making plans for the return of the deportees from the United States. No one has said anything about which we are aware.
If we accept the analysis of the deporter, then it stands to reason that amongst the deportees are hardened criminals: People who have nothing left to lose and are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Themselves!
It is precisely what makes those terrorists who blow themselves up for the cause, so dangerous. The value of their individual life is secondary to the survival of the cause, the terror they wish to unleash or the feeling that nothing matters anymore.
But there is a positive side to the solidarity coin. Take Israel, for example, it is and will always be a force to be reckoned with. God before the state; The state before the family; The family before the individual; Death before dishonour. But the State is sacrosanct. They believe in something.
What do we believe in?
Whatever our convictions, we better plan ahead so that we can maintain and improve the quality of life to which we have become accustomed.
Of course, if the (UK) Guardian and certain British MPs have anything to do with it, the BVI and other OTs will be reduced to poverty-stricken pieces of rocks and corals for daring to compete and protect their market share in matters of Financial Services.
There seems to be no end to the vitriol that is spewed out at us and while we do not doubt that we have allies in the fight, we should not be harassed to this extent in our ‘Father’s house’ even if we are only regarded as adoptees and cannot be classified as Bonafide members of the family.
But we wonder if they apply the same yard stick to their crown dependencies and if they too are threatened with Orders in Council. The evidence is concerning.
We have always believed that “home drums beat first,” and they (the Crown Dependencies) are managed under the Home Office while we (the OTs) are overseen under the Foreign Office. Transparency should own up to a different definition.
But if the Guardian and its allies wish to play the part of the school yard bully, they would better look across the pond and realize that they do not hold a monopoly, sanctimonious though it may be, on singular decisions and willful disparagement.
But that is an entirely different issue to the deportees.
The Authorities have, no doubt, consulted the deportee list and they see 5 people from the Territory on it. That should not be their focus. Their focus should be on everyone else for eventually, all roads lead to the BVI.
That is traditional due to the Territory’s positioning in the archipelago and our use of the US dollar as our legal tender. We say nothing of BVIs natural beauty and, of course, its porous borders play a part.
And since our immigration policy cannot be totally our own because we are a dependent territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and they have their commitments to the international community that causes them, at times, to force compliance on the OTs, sometimes to their detriment, we should be doubly careful.
We have our issues with human trafficking. Frequently, undocumented immigrants end up on our shores destined to places in the greater Virgin Islands.
We lack our own coast guard and resources to make it possible and we cannot look to the mother country for help especially when there are such efforts afoot from within to engineer our financial ruin.
So, we must not drift along as if the international power plays do not impact us because they do. And if we are not careful; If we are distracted by our avarice and power grabs, we risk having our eyes off the real game and losing corn and husk.
When better to evaluate our true position than on Fridays?
Happy Friday!