Matter Between Two Top Cops Escalates - ACP Said To Have Resigned

Our sources have informed us late this afternoon, that the matter involving Ag. COP Jacqueline Vanterpool and Assistant Commissioner Pam Trevillion has taken on yet another level. 

We have been duly informed by our sources that ACP Trevillion has tendered her resignation today, with immediate effect. 

Initial Story

Coverup of Information - Attack On Media House’s Credibility 

Ag. COP Vanterpool who released a statement on the ‘matter’ referring to Guavaberry Media’s story as misinformation and fake, had promised Editor in Chief of Guavaberry Media that she would edit her statement on the matter, and issue a further statement, has not. 

When pressed yesterday afternoon Tuesday February 12, in the RVIPF Press WhatsApp Chat by the BVI Beacon and GBMedia for further information on the matter, the following statement was given:

“Good afternoon.


Statement of Ag. COP

"The RVIPF acknowledges inquiries regarding an internal matter involving ACP Pam Trevillion. ACP Trevillion was on leave but has since returned to duty. The matter was appropriately addressed in accordance with RVIPF protocols. As this was an internal matter, no further comment will be provided."

When both the BVI Beacon and GBM sought further details to the limited statement, they were told no further statements would be made. 

This move to suppress information aggravated GBMedia’s Editor In Chief, who later exited the chat. 

“Our media house’s credibility and reputation was attacked. The Ag. COP said that she would fix the matter, and has not.” Rosan said

“We take this matter very seriously as we have a responsibility to be truthful and transparent with our readership. I believe that our media house is owed a public apology.” Rosan further stated. 

We will continue to update you as information on this matter continues to surface. 



Good riddance 2/13/2025 8:36:13 AM
Leh she cat her white racist mudda asss bak to the uk!!!
Offficer 2/12/2025 8:01:18 PM
If want talk about local then talk Dariel Robinson a better local. If he was up there in rank and trainning. He aint skip no rank and fight down no one for name and is fair
Cop 2/13/2025 10:39:20 AM
@Offficer: Dariel u say, you need to go sit down, this man cant even run a chicken coob, total waste, i don't even think this man has a school leaving certificate, he shouldn't even be where he is right now, rvipf will be better off if them go home.
Officer 2/12/2025 7:51:06 PM
Thats just the f issue everything is about local.for some of u all, i talk about we as black.people no mayer wherenu from we as black people cant get together. We quick to fight down another blavk man no matyer what it takes to get to.the top. For what. Hall u ass about local. If she was a truely decent woman then yes.
Fishy 2/13/2025 8:49:06 PM
@Officer: One came with a superiority complex as most of them from that big island. The other is a very sinister operator. Speaks from all sides of her mouth. Th force has been on a divisive scheme of a feminist force. Spending money on their pet project. Women in policing for what purpose is it a new thing. Is it to honor Ms Baronville hn.
Offficer 2/12/2025 9:10:24 PM
@It bun you?: no it i just dont like wickedness in high places bible talk about dem. I it so i gojng leave meet it so. Until we as black people learn to come together.
It bun you? 2/12/2025 8:32:13 PM
@Officer: it bun you? Yes, she is by far better than any UK person that want to hold the post at this time. Idk when y'all would wake up and notice that most of the UK ppl that coming in nowadays don't mean the BVI any good! They just out to take over... I admit that some locals want to do the same thing, but hell, it's their right! Tf!
Officer 2/12/2025 7:45:50 PM
Hall u ass too
Officer 2/12/2025 5:54:55 PM
To UK Please send another white boy asap cause this woman is witch. We are doomed if we black people cant come together as one how can we lead anything. All we want iis for our in history as first WCOP and for what.
It's good 2/12/2025 6:09:55 PM
@Officer: The time y'all take to bring down the local woman for challenging the nonlocal is astonishing! When things go more haywire because even more non locals are brought in in key positions and y'all have no say in ntn y'all will bawl!

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