Affordable Housing Initiative A Failed Project

In an expected turn of events, the Social Security Board has had to relax major requirements towards ownership of Joe’s Hill Manor Estate, the controversial Government affordable housing project. 

The project was intended for first time Virgin Islander home owners to be able to purchase a home. However, the requirements for qualification were beyond what the intended market and demographic could afford or qualify for. The starting point for a one bedroom home is $275K. 

A press statement released by the Social Security Board, stated  “Effective June 1, 2023, the Social Security Board has begun accepting new applications for the remaining homes at Joe’s Hill Manor Estate. The SSB has decided to withdraw some of the pre-existing applicant criteria; allowing more persons to benefit from the initiative. After allowing first-time homeowners to have first preference, the organization has widened the qualification scope. To qualify for a home, applicants no longer need to be first-time homeowners, nor do they have to use the home as their intended primary residence. However, what remains is that applicants must be a BVIslander.”

Guavaberry Media was tipped a few weeks ago with information that a prominent wealthy business owner was able to purchase two of the homes. Based on the information received, the individual would have bought the properties before the June 1 date. However, Guavaberry Media had not sought to verify the information received. 

The affordable housing project initiative was conceived by the NDP Smith-led Government but was brought to reality by the Andrew Fahie-led VIP Government. The project garnered much opposition from the public. 

Guavaberry Media will bring a further update on this story upon further investigation.



It’s a shame 1/6/2024 9:25:36 AM
Was this project kept in budget or did go way over budget by lining pockets like soooooo many other “well intended” projects, walls, facilities…. So sad if that’s the case that drove a one bedroom unit up to this price.

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