Chaos Continues In UK House Of Commons

Jun 11, 2023 Breaking 0 Comments

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced his resignation as an MP with immediate effect. So has former Culture Minister Nadine Dorries and ally to Johnson, Nigel Adams, triggering by-elections in their constituencies. This would be the third by-election Sunak will face since taking the seat of Prime Minister. 

In a statement, the former prime minister said a letter from the privileges committee made clear "that they are determined to use the proceedings against me to drive me out of parliament". 

“I have written to my association in Uxbridge and South Ruislip to say that I am stepping down forthwith and triggering an immediate by-election. I am very sorry to leave my wonderful constituency. It has been a huge honour to serve them, both as Mayor and MP." former Prime Minister Johnson said. 

The cross-party privileges committee which is headed by Harriett Harman has been assessing whether the former prime minister mislead Parliament in statements that COVID-19 rules were followed by 10 Downing Street during gatherings. 

“Mr Johnson has departed from the processes of the House and has impugned the integrity of the House by his statement. The Committee will meet on Monday to conclude the inquiry and to publish its report promptly. " A spokesperson for the cross-party privileges committee said. Further stating that they followed the procedures and the mandate of the House at all times and will continue to do so. 

Former prime minister Johnson has said that the committee has not presented any evidence against him and that he was being “forced out of parliament by a tiny handful of people, with no evidence to back up their assertions, and without the approval even of Conservative party members let alone the wider electorate."

Mr Johnson however was facing the prospect of a by-election if MPs recommended a suspension from the Commons of 10 days or more as a punishment for lying and have than likely preempted the end result of the investigation. 

Nigel Adams has been an MP since 2010 and a  long-standing ally of Johnson since 2016. 




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