Road Town Fire Station In Disrepair Despite $300K Renovations.

A video sent to Guavaberry Media this afternoon shows extensive damage to the roof of the first floor of the Road Town Fire station. The video was quite a shock given that the Minister for Communications and Works Kye Rymer inked a $322,206.73 contract with Metro Construction in 2021 to carry out remedial works to the first floor of the station. The works were completed in July of 2021, barely one and a half years ago. 

Taken from a BVI Beacon Article dated May 17, 2021

On March 2, Metro Construction Ltd was awarded a $322,206.73 contract to renovate the facility’s ground floor, and the company started work on March 22, the minister said. The works, he added, include demolishing and replacing existing floor and wall tiles, windows, doors, and electrical and plumbing fixtures. Also included is a complete renovation of the “watch/com- mand room,” and installation of air conditioning, he said. “To date, the majority of the demolition works have been completed and the installation of windows has commenced,” he said on April 29. -End-

The video received shows chunks of concrete falling from the first floor ceiling/roofing earlier today. Guavaberry Media understands that some of the firemen were almost injured. Guavaberry also understands that many complaints have been made on the situation, and many promises made but no remedy to the situation which puts the service men’s lives at risk daily. 

On June 1, the Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley announced a $250,000 free concert in celebration of the American Airlines non stop flight to the Terence B Lettsome airport. The public has expressed much outrage on the matter. Most consider the move to be an abuse of public funds when there are so many infrastructural and social issues plaguing the Territory. 



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